Fay's Work - MEDIA

Treatment for Radio Ad


Media Assignment – Radio

Commercial Radio Assignment

Radio stations adverts are all focused towards making money or raising awareness and sometimes even both. They do this by using audience involvement through competitions especially when they match up to the season. An example of this could be Capital’s Christmas jingle bell ball, a popular event held every year during December at the O2 Arena. Not only is it advertised on the Capital radio station, but competitions are also held where in which the audience would have to call in (which charges them allowing them to make more profit) in order to win tickets to the event. 

Throughout this assignment, I will be analysing two contrasting radio advertisements. The first radio advert I had chosen for this is by ‘Time to Change,’ the organisation that had launched in 2017 that work towards ending all discrimination towards those who suffer with mental health.

The charitable organization focuses on changing some of the thoughts that people may have about mental health, as when some people who introduce themselves by mentioning a mental health problem are sometimes misjudged.  When it comes to the narrative of this advert, the advert starts off with a male introducing himself as if he was writing a profile for a dating site. He starts off by mentioning his name and a couple of facts about him before bringing up mental health. At 0:08 he pauses and says, “I know, you lost interest after I said mental health problem, you’re not alone.” The advert would not guilt trip listeners who may have actually tuned out when the advert had assumed people had, but it may also promote the organisation and give people the pride to talk about their mental health issues comfortably. After the line about losing interest is said, statistics are dropped where in which he says “When I put this dating ad online, I received 81% less interest than the exact same ad two days before, the only difference, I didn’t mention a mental health problem.” By putting numbers to the facts, especially numbers as big as 81% can really standout to an audience, and to hear that a number I that high when it comes to something negative is never good. Whilst the advert does what its intentions are (to promote its website and the purpose of it) it also grabs the attention of the audience which may alert them to remember the name of the organization and to react to differently when hearing about mental health in the future to diminish assumptions and reactions to the words ‘mental health. The title alone of ‘Time to Change’ is rather memorable and would stick in the heads of those listening, it not only is something that can be unforgettable, but the title of the organisation is also the objective of the organisation at the same time.

 This organisation would be classed in the product sector of charity although I feel as though they are less focused on making profit and more focused towards awareness. The advert has silence behind the character Eric’s voice whilst he talks about being single and his interests as this makes it seem as though the listener is having a conversation and really listening to Eric, another reason behind this as it keeps the listener intrigued and also allows there to be a sense of seriousness whilst his voice stands out. This ends after Eric’s mental health is mentioned and non-diegetic sound such as background music is added over Eric’s voice.
I believe that this advert is very effective when it comes to meeting its intentions and leaving that thought in the audience’s head.
This advert has quite a lot of persuasive techniques from stating Eric’s dating status and age, if listeners could relate and had the same qualities as Eric, their attention could definitely be grabbed.

The second advert I have chosen is a drink advert, I chose the Ribena advert. As this is a product as opposed to the charity organization, they would be trying to sell the product to listeners more. Off the bat I can hear that the diegetic sound in this advert would be the man and woman on the street, the advert starts off with the man asking her if she would like to ‘take the Ribena taste test’ at 0:02, She accepts his offer and begins to drink it. Edited on top of this is the sounds of nature as it sounds as though he has stopped her on the street. You can hear birds chirping and the sound of the air as if it is a bright summer morning, a positive thing a lot of people like. Refreshing sounds such as the sound of ice clinking to the side of the glass cup she is drinking out of are used, sounds like this can trigger the audience and make them feel thirsty for a drink, at 0:26, the word Ribena is mentioned therefore leaving that as one of the last thoughts in the listeners mind.  Having her taste, the drink and sound satisfied is another way the product is being sold to the audience as usually, when you know somebody else approves of something, you tend to go out and try it yourself. As she is describing how the flavours taste, she sounds rather posh and wealthy. She describes Ribena as tasting ‘like a grand,’ this segways onto the announcement of a competition where in which those who buy the product can win £1000 pounds by following the instructions on the website after buying the product. As the audience would know simply buying a £1.30 drink would enter you into the chance of earning £1000 this also sells the product off more. The advert does not have a jingle as it instead focuses on selling the product and having hopes of people going off to buy it then and then rather than leaving a thought of a product in people’s heads like what may be done for car fixing companies or banks. 
Hearing an advert like this whilst in the car listening to the radio is when this advert could be deemed as the most effective, as the chances of the audience stopping over to grab a Ribena are higher.

As it is not a charity organization like Time to Change, this advert does not leave contact information or a website, they simply state to ‘grab one today and see pack for details’ and mention the date the competition ends. As the product is trying to sell, it would naturally be happier and isn’t focusing on using guilt like a charity organisation might do more. Ribena claim to be having a competition if the right bottle is selected by the audience and they win the £1000. The ASA (advertising standards authority) would be in charge of monitoring ads like this one to be site that they are not misleading the public or even being the slightest bit offensive, if an advert was to be offensive or irresponsible, they could pull it from the radio or TV especially if the public have made complaints about it on their website or even over the phone. Misleading ads are very common so adverts that mention having a competition where the chance of winning money is especially monitored to be sure the public don’t get what’s being said confused.



Oprah Winfrey on Larry King


Upon watching this interview, the first thing I had noticed was the speedy reactions to the questions she was being asked, this shows how being attentive is one of the most important things when it comes to interviews. She was snappy and made sure to answer each question and even go into depth when Larry had asked her about her experiences filming for 'The Color Purple.' 



1) Name three purposes of commercial radio

Profit on products (ADVERTISE)

events - audience involvement

promotion on special offers and sales

2) List three styles of commercial radio

intertextuality, repetition, shock and humour

3) List three persuasive devices used in commercial radio

Characters and voices, narrative, music - instrumental background, sound - diegetic and non diegetic

4) List at least two regulators - specify what they can do and why (terms)  

ASA - power to remove or change an advert

use of children

All About Me 

purposes of commercial radio

Kate Attii
Media - Commercial Radio

Throughout the whole of this essay, I will be covering some of the purposes of commercial radio. When it comes to radio stations, there are two different types of radio stations and they go by the name of non-commercial radio and commercial. As clear as the title is, commercial radio would include adverts in an attempt to get the audience listening and maybe buy some products or even to hear interviews with music artists that might promote their new music.

A main purpose of commercial radio would be to keep the audience entertained whilst still advertising as they do need to make sure they have a source of income.

Harry's work

Things I have learnt so far

Whilst studying media this year I was able to refresh my mind and go over things I had already known and even go into depth with them and also learn some new things.

We had started off by listing some of the media sectors, I had taken media last year and I was only able to list 5 but during our lessons I was able to find out that there are indeed 10. We then went onto genre and the different types of genres you may see in films and music and how they could often crossover, this is called synergy. during these lessons we learnt some key words that come up almost daily in our lessons as they are essential for when we create our music videos such as 'iconography' and 'intertextuality' and 'sub-genres'. The term intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text. Iconography would be what the audience expects in a certain genre, an example of this could be when you are watching a horror movie, you are likely to expect death, violence and blood.

As we moved onto learning about the purpose of music videos, we looked at the technical aspects of some videos, this led to us watching videos and class and giving feedback on things such as the editing, sound, special effects in the video the different camera angles and shots and even the audience gratification the video may give.

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